Disrupting Foolishness

As we continue the theme we began through last week’s post, In Need of Spiritual Disrupters, our target today is a condition that has afflicted humanity in general and plagued God’s people throughout the ages. There’s a condition that has afflicted humanity in general and plagued God’s people throughout the ages. Although every generation has felt its destructive influence, the condition doesn’t seem to get much focused attention. That may be due in part to the fact that it wasn’t specifically mentioned on those tablets Moses brought down from Mt. Sinai. But for whatever reason, our general tendency is just to accommodate it as one of those widespread, bothersome human qualities that we can’t do much about. Given the fact that this condition is always detrimental and can have catastrophic impact, that conclusion might warrant another look. We should also point out that God’s reaction to it is anything but accommodating.   

A Familiar Problem ~
The condition we’re referring to is what God calls foolishness, and the twisted new varieties are wreaking havoc in our country. All of us are familiar with the term and most of us have hadfoolish.1 more personal experience with it than we might like to admit. Yet in spite of our familiarity with it and the evidence of its costly outcomes, it isn’t generally considered to be a major issue. We seem to be content to address its symptoms and react to its most obvious outbreaks, but rarely engage directly with its cause. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons why public exhibitions of depravity are not only being embraced as normal, but applauded and promoted.   

Lest we be tempted to dismiss foolishness as an archaic term that has no current relevance, it might be helpful to review some things God has said about the potential consequences of ignoring it. An obvious place to begin would be with the Proverbs of Solomon. As God’s specially endowed paragon of wisdom, he had deep insights and a unique perspective regarding its opposite. He offered many examples of both foolishness and wisdom and provided clear descriptions of what those who pursue each of them can expect. Speaking on God’s behalf, he offers a sobering assessment of those who choose to abandon God and embrace foolishness and describes the outcome that awaits them: 

Because they hated knowledge
And did not choose the fear of the Lord,
They would have none of my counsel
And despised my every rebuke.
Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way,
And be filled to the full with their own fancies.
For the turning away [random waywardness] of the simple [naive and foolish] will slay them,
And the complacency [false sense of security] of fools will destroy them; (Proverbs 1:29–32 NKJV)

Repetitive Patterns ~
Foolishness is detrimental to our welfare on every level, but it can also be dangerously foolish.6seductive and contagious. God’s people discovered that again and again. They repeatedly demonstrated that unbridled foolishness can permeate a culture to the point that it becomes an entrenched national characteristic. When that happens with God’s people, a judgmental response from Him is virtually unavoidable. The Prophet Jeremiah lived through one of those times and echoed Solomon’s earlier assessment as he delivered this indictment from God: 

For My people are foolish,
They have not known Me.
They are silly [foolish] children,
And they have no understanding.
They are wise to do evil,
But to do good they have no knowledge. (Jeremiah 4:22 NKJV)

This much is certain. Foolishness not just a matter of people doing stupid stuff. The kind of foolishness threatening us today is a spiritual issue. It has nothing to do with intellectual limitations or cognitive disabilities. Also, it’s worth mentioning that it can’t be relegated to one of our many divisive group identities. Foolishness is not exclusively ideological, racial,foolish.5 political, gender specific, age related. Nor is it confined to ideology, race, politics, gender, age, or religious affiliation. Thus, we cannot shift the blame for its devastating impact to any of those familiar scapegoats. Foolishness is the direct and inevitable result of turning away from God. David understood that thousands of years ago and said it with profound simplicity:

The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” (Psalm 14:1 NKJV)

 Acknowledging God but Denying His Authority ~
The denial David refers to that blinds the heart and infects the mind with foolishness is not always a total rejection of the idea of God. It’s often more a matter of rejecting God’s authority to dictate human behavior than a wholesale acceptance of atheism. It’s denying His sovereignty in judging questions of right vs. wrong. Lots of people claim to believe in God while flagrantly denying and repudiating His moral judgments. As one of my coworkers years ago once said, “I believe in God, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna let Him tell me what I can and cannot do.” Paul addressed that attitude and left no doubt about where it leads:

…although they knew [were aware of] God, they did not glorify [recognize, honor, obey] Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools. (Romans 1:21–22 NKJV)

Among the many questions confronting us is what to do about it? How do we begin to counteract the influence of entrenched foolishness? A good place to begin is to leave our self-righteousness at the door and remember that we had our own time in that realm. Paul admonished Titus not to forget that:

For we ourselves were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another. (Titus 3:3 NKJV)

A Foolish Expectation ~
Beyond that, we should remind ourselves that we can’t expect fools to disrupt the spread of their own foolishness. An expectation like that would be, well…foolish, wouldn’t it? As we often point out, the flawed but redeemed followers of Jesus are God’s only plan for disrupting sinful foolishness and combating evil. Peter condensed it like this:

For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men (1 Peter 2:15 NKJV)

One of the most exasperating things about foolishness that we’re facing in this country is not that lost, spiritually rebellious people do foolish things, but that professing Christians support them, approve of them, encourage them, and vote for them. Another revelation from Solomon offers a reminder and fits perfectly with what we see and hear every day: 

The words of a wise man’s mouth are gracious,
But the lips of a fool shall swallow him up;
The words of his mouth begin with foolishness,
And the end of his talk is raving madness. (Ecclesiastes 10:13 NKJV)

A Relevant Directive ~
Finally, an admonition delivered to Timothy by the aging Apostle Paul offers a relevant directive for us and an appropriate way to conclude a discussion that barely scratches the surface of this significant issue: 

Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will. (2 Timothy 2:22-26 NKJV)

 With these few words being offered as a backdrop, and touching but lightly on such an expansive subject for discussion and challenge to each of us, may the One in whom all Wisdom dwells grant us deliverance from our own foolish inclinations and empower us to disrupt its disastrous influence in our beloved land.

TWEETABLES” ~ Click to tweet and share from the pull quotes below.  Each one links directly back to this article through Twitter.

    • “The Jewish  people repeatedly demonstrated that unbridled foolishness can permeate a culture to the point that it becomes an entrenched national characteristic. When that happens with God’s people, a judgmental response from Him is virtually unavoidable.” @GallaghersPen (Click here to Tweet)  
    • “Fools can’t be expected to disrupt the spread of their own foolishness. An expectation like that would be “foolish,” wouldn’t it? As we often point out, the flawed but redeemed followers of Jesus are God’s only plan for disrupting sinful foolishness and combating evil. @GallaghersPen (Click here to Tweet)
    • “The Fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ “ The denial David refers to that blinds the heart and infects the mind with foolishness is most often a matter of rejecting God’s authority to dictate human behavior than a wholesale acceptance of atheism.” @GallaghersPen (Click here to Tweet)  
    • “One of the most exasperating things about foolishness that we’re facing in this country is not that lost, spiritually rebellious people do foolish things, but that professing Christians support them, approve of them, encourage them, and vote for them.” @GallaghersPen (Click here to Tweet)  

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© 2023 Gallagher’s Pen, Ronald L. Gallagher, Ed.S.  All rights reserved.

About Ron Gallagher, Ed.S

Author, Speaker, Bible Teacher, Humorist, Satirist, Blogger ... "Right Side Up Thinking ~ In an Upside Down World" For Ron's full bio, go to GallaghersPen.com/about/
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5 Responses to Disrupting Foolishness

  1. Pingback: Disrupting Fatherlessness | Gallagher's Pen ~

  2. Your take on foolishness here, Ron, is a breath of fresh air. It is the sin that is too often swept under the rug or poo-pooed as not really mattering in the long run. But the foolish dwell among us, often pretending to be wise, sage, having the answer to anything and everything. What came to mind after reading your wonderful post are those folks who continually turn natural disasters into issues that prove climate change and, in turn, try to throw the public into a pit of fear and turmoil. I guess they think we’re as foolish as they are. But we’re on to them; they’ve cried “wolf” one too many times.
    Anyway, that’s what came to mind, my friend. Thanks for listening!


    • You are always such an encouragement, Martha. I love the way you blend your capacity for expressing spiritual insights in poetic terms on one hand, and your tendency to sound off like a seasoned warrior on the other. It’s inspirational, and I appreciate it. I also agree whole heartedly with your comment about the way we have the economic disaster of “climate change” rammed down our throats. I also agree that we’re not as ignorant or foolish as they think we are. May God multiply both the number of courageous folks like you and deliver us from the snare that fools in leadership have drawn us into. Thanks for being a faithful beacon of truth, my friend, and for sharing your gracious insights once again.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. JD Wininger says:

    Somehow I thought I could feel you sliding the soapbox into place for me this week Mr. Ron. 😀 I swear, I used up a half-a-pack of Post-It notes jotting down my thoughts as I read your post. Once again, you’ve upped your game and making my coming anywhere near your quality of writing and conviction further out of reach. A worthy goal, however, to keep trying. As I was reading, some of my thoughts included my definition of “foolishness.” Will certainly never challenge Solomon, David, and especially the Holy Spirit, as all describe what foolishness is, yet I define it as “Doing what I already know is wrong.” So much of what is happening today has been happening over and over for centuries. Do the words “Sodom and Gamorrah”, Caligula, Eric Gill, the Marquis De Sade, Lord Byron, L. Ron Hubbard, and a great many others mean anything? This old world has seen it happen all throughout history; people thumb their noses and turn their backs upon God and then wonder why He brings judgment against them. In today’s world, it seems that not nations but the entire world has been taken in by Satan’s subversion of our language and he has successfully deceived what may be a majority of minds. I couldn’t mention how history continues to repeat itself without reminding your readers of Einstein’s famous definition of insanity. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.” I am certain that the current forms of sinful foolishness sweeping across the world today is the result of the insanity induced by Satan turning God’s greatest creation, mankind, against their very Creator. Like the Hebrews in the desert, and all those tribes who He allowed to settle in His promised land, we repeatedly turn our backs on God and He brings judgment upon His people.

    I believe the same is happening today. A few years ago, I thought it a remedial judgment, wherein God gives His people an opportunity to repent and turn back to Him. As I’ve watched this world descend further into chaos, I’m not so sure that what we’re seeing is His last chance for His body of Christ (Christ’s church) to repent. My heart breaks as I recognize that as long as we true Christians remain silent and allow this behavior even in our own church house, it will continue. Unless we are willing to stand up for Christ and call sin what it is, in our own lives, our own families, our own churches, and our own community, I believe this world will continue descending into chaos. All this will make it much easier for the Antichrist to rise to power because the people remaining (I’m out of here, praise God, Jesus is coming for my family (brothers and sisters in Christ) and me) will be so deceived and so focused on their own selfish desires that they will pay no attention. Satan will then slam the trap shut and very few will escape to Christ during the tribulation.

    Climbing down, as once again I did not mean to hijack your tremendous post, but to share my strong convictions that your words stirred within me this morning. God’s blessings to you and yours dear friend. See you on the other side soon. I know I join you in praying that the self-proclaimed body of Christ heed the conviction of the Holy Spirit, confess their sinfulness, repent, and turn away with God’s help to become His church, His body, and His tools to expand His kingdom before it’s too late.


    • OK, time to scoot over a bit and let me get on the soapbox with you. If I could shout out the Amens! as loud as I felt them, the neighbors would be coming over to see what’s going on at the Gallagher’s. I don’t recall ever being on a different page than you, but today it’s like you’re writing exactly the kinds of things I think and feel. Once in a while I might mutter things like it can’t get any worse, and then it does. I’ve been saying for decades that human depravity has no bottom and evil has no limits and then this demonically controlled world dumps out another load of supportive evidence of the truth of that conclusion. And like you said so well, you’d think we would look over our shoulder once in a while and get a clue. But then we have to remember that we’ve got a bunch of academically indoctrinated idiots who are running things and they know nothing of history, not to mention knowing nothing about the God whose judgment they’re demanding with their arrogant denial of His authority.
      The most infuriating thing to me, though, is not just that the spiritually blind and lost are flooding the country with foolish and damning delusions and subjecting us to their insanity, but churches throughout the land are hiding under their denominational security blankets and ignoring it all. Jesus made it clear in that parable about the two guys building their houses that just hearing what He says is not enough. Whether the outcome leads to something that will withstand the inevitable storm comes down to whether we do what He said or not. These days, too many churches are failing to even proclaim the principles He taught, much less emphasize living them out. I wonder how many preachers have the guts to even read out loud what God had to say about sexual perversion, much less announce their agreement with it. I wonder how many will reiterate how many genders God made or declare what God said about family and parenting. Every time I see some demented dude on TV refer to some other dude as his “husband,” or some female mention her “wife” I want to go outside and throw something, stomp on a bug, and spit. I really don’t know how God restrains Himself, but then again, when I look back at my earlier life, I’m glad He does. I just hope we get another chance at a cleansing revival or that He decides it’s time to call us all home before the entire nation recreates Sodom.
      God bless you for the spiritual adrenaline you inject into me when you climb on your soapbox. Please don’t ever stop doing that. Diane and I have a praise and worship time every time your name pops up. I still look forward to hearing more about the conference and we’re still praying for an opening to come down sometime in the next couple of months. If you see a spot that looks like it would be workable for you, just let us know and we’ll do our best to accommodate it.


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