Welcome! We’re So Glad You’re Here . . .

Ron Gallagher, Ed.S

We’re honored and blessed by your presence here at Gallagher’s Pen and have prayed that God will bless you for coming our way. Our heart’s desire is that you might find your visit worthwhile, and that you’ll decide to drop in on a regular basis. We invite you to look around, explore our archives, and check out our Publications pages through the drop down on the top menu bar. Our hope, and ongoing prayer, is that everyone who comes here will find some expression of God’s eternal truth that stimulates the mind, engages the heart, and stirs the spirit.

During Jesus’ earthly ministry He was revered as “The Teacher.” His methods of teaching were radically different from the rabbis of His day, and for that matter, different from any who had taught before Him. The context was intimate and personal, and His “classroom” was the world in which He and His followers lived and worked every day. His lessons took truth from its simplest, most recognizable expressions and expanded it to display concepts more profound and powerful than had ever been imagined. Our great desire is that the content we share with you here will arouse your curiosity and inspire you to look for Him everywhere, and that your search will bring you and those around you closer to Him.  

The Purpose in What We Share Here ~  
Gallagher’s Pen exists because America has been in a state of spiritual decline for decades, and that decline has reduced us to the status of a post-Christian, if not an anti-Christian, nation. We are exposed on a daily basis to fresh examples of ways in which the predominant popular culture has taken God’s guiding principles and turned them “upside down.” In the arena of public policy, general academia, mainstream media, and especially in the vast majority of our schools and colleges, the Bible is no longer recognized as an authoritative document, much less one that is divinely inspired. In many cases, what was once revered as the Word of God is viewed now as little more than an ancient curiosity, an outdated and archaic, religious museum piece, interesting to look at, but irrelevant when it comes to real life and personal decisions. The impact on the nation as a whole is both sobering and predictable.

But . . . the “Good News” remains — and always will. Truth is never determined by focus groups, majority opinions, or the popular trends of the day. Jesus called His followers out of a world system that is inherently hopeless, intrinsically toxic, personally destructive, and eternally condemned. He called us to life that is eternal, love that is unshakeable, grace that is unsearchable, and hope that is undefeatable. This site is about a “Right Side Up” perspective in the face of an “Upside Down” world. The “Good News” is that Jesus left the tomb, just as He said He would. He is still alive and the salvation He died to procure is still as available as ever. It is still as eternally secure, as powerfully transformational, and as simply received as it ever was:

…That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:9-10 (NKJV)

So, thank you for visiting our site. If you find it worthwhile, please take a moment to subscribe through the upper right corner subscription box on the Blog Posts page, and then share the Gallagher’s Pen  weekly posts with someone else. And always feel free to share comments, ask questions, or offer suggestions to anything we post.


Ronald L. Gallagher, Ed.S
Right Side Up Thinking ~ In an Upside Down World
